Wednesday, July 26, 2017

July update

The update is that ... there is not much to update.

July  has been typically cold and wet, which discourages this amature astronomer from getting outdoors with the telescope.

Even though tonight is quite clear after some rain this afternoon, it is all of 7 degrees C out there and it is a warm Wednesday evening in here.  So, warm wins again.

T and I are trying to work out another attempt at a dark sky evening at Ararat on the next meeting of New Moon and weekend - so here's hoping that works out.  Next New Moon is 21st of August...hmmm, a Monday - so the Saturday before that is the Waning Cresent which sets at... 1500!  So that should be OK.  Man this is easy with a few good apps on the phone these days.

Cassini is still going strong and has just completed ring crossing number 15 (out of 22).  The pictures being returned are awesome.

Juno and Junocam are still surving the environment at Jupiter, and last week images of the Great Red Spot were released that are a-maze-ing