Wednesday, November 30, 2016


Orion is back in the sky, the evenings are warm again and the mosquitos are out like I haven't seen for a long time!

Time to drag dobby out on the door-step again and check out my favorite molecular dust complex, see if I can find some faint fuzzies, and get some shots of some nice clusters with my soon-to-be-developed mobile-phone-astro-photography-holder.

On a tangent, I got to speak to someone from the local council Sustainability office about street light replacements and dark-skies considerations.  Unfortunately, dark-skies is not a consideration at all - unless there is some endangered frog, moth or other critter involved.  Apparently the local (Aus) research is pretty thin as well, so it might be interesting to do some looking around myself, just to see.

Hopefully some nice photos for the next post.