Monday, May 30, 2016

Quick look with the kids

Friday, 27 May.
Taking the opportunity of a break in the near-Winter weather that left the sky surprisingly clear, I dragged Dobby and the kids out onto the front step.
First I showed them Mars, which bus looking amazing.  I still can't see pale poles, but definitely can make out the dark patches of the plains.  The kids seemed impressed.
Then we moved on to Saturn, which got a couple of "wows".
The a small relocation to the other side of the pine tree to view Jupiter.

After that, the kids interest and cold tolerance had worn thin, so we all came back inside.

Only a short session, but worth it to share with the kids.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Mars at opposition

Took Dobby out last night and had a real nice look at Mars, one of the best views of the red planet I've ever seen.

Will attach a sketch

Used a few filters and actually they seemed to help!

Also checked out Saturn.

Thought about checking out the Moon, but it was too low and it was too cold to hang around any longer.

Curry and clouds - the Dark Sky night that wasn't

Saturday 7, May 2016

*placeholder entry*

We tried for a nice dark sky night, but the weather had other ideas - clouded in, for the rest... of... the...week!


Glimpsed a couple of stars in some small breaks in the cloud - but they went so fast I barely had time to slew the telescope around. 

Had a nice chicken curry though, and enjoyed the hospitality of T's in-laws, who are such nice people for letting us invade.

More details later.