Monday, February 27, 2017


Stepped out the back the other night for some Mk 1 eyeball observations. I've decided that this year I want to memorise more of the constellations, as I've only really committed the basic landmarks to memory.

So looking up the other night I easily spotted Orion, and then above that is Canis Major - signposted by Sirius. Those ones I've got down, but I do want to memorise the significant stars:

In Orion:
Betelgeuse - is obvious
Rigel - I know
Bellatrix - I am learning to remember
Saiph - Is newer to me

Then over to Canopus, bright on the South Western horizon. So that's the start of Carina which is a very long constellation stretching right up to near the zenith. The key points of this constellation are the big hop from Canopus to the next star, and then the bend around to the four stars that make the rhomboid at the end, often mistaken by the kids for the Southern Cross (Crux).

(Screen snaps from Stellarium)