Thursday, February 1, 2018

Lunar Eclipse

The rare triple event. A second full moon in the month, at perigee, and eclipsed... or as the media insisted on calling it, the "Blue Super Blood Moon".
With that name it really should have exploded at the end, but it didn't.
I started observing just as totality started, catching the last sliver of brightness slip away, then enjoyed the dusky goodness of the moon in shadow. Took plenty of photos on the DSLR on the tripod at 200mm, and set up Dobby and used the 30mm and 25mm eps.
Had an interesting chat with a passer by (I

was set up at the front gate) about full moons, lunar eclipse, movies and werewolves. It was late...
But, he enjoyed looking through the scope and got a quick photo through the ep on his mobile.
Woke up L twice to see totality and then near the end.
Took a run of photos as the last quarter of the shadow slipped away. I'll give a go at making an animation of that.
It was a beautiful night as well, cool but better seeing conditions than I thought it would be. Swung the scope around for a brief look at M43, since it was right there anyway.

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