Lunar 100 List Achievements

This is the Lunar 100, as first defined in Sky and Telescope by Charles A Wood.  As I confirm each observation, I'll highlight the line in green and add the date in the description. (The first three are give-aways).  Although I have looked at many of these features before, I haven't really put names or much context into it.  So lets start again...

This map refers to the numbers in the descriptions below.

Lunar 100 - list

L Feature Name Map # / Significance Lat. (°) Long. (°) Diam. (km)
L1 Moon -/ Large satellite  (dd/mm/yy) 3.476
L2 Earthshine -/ Twice reflected sunlight

L3 Mare/highland dichotomy -/ Two materials with distinct compositions

L4 Apennines 22/ Imbrium basin rim 18.9N 3.7W 70
L5 Copernicus 31/ Archetypal large complex crater 9.7N 20.1W 93
L6 Tycho 64/ Large rayed crater with impact melts 43.4S 11.1W 85
L7 Altai Scarp 57/ Nectaris basin rim 24.3S 22.6E 425
L8 Theophilus, Cyrillus, Catharina 46, 57/ Crater sequence illustrating stages of degradation 13.2S 24.0E
L9 Clavius 72/ Lacks basin features in spite of its size 58.8S 14.1W 225
L10 Mare Crisium 26, 27, 37, 38/ Mare contained in large circular basin 18.0N 59.0E 540
L11 Aristarchus 18/ Very bright crater with dark bands on its walls 23.7N 47.4W 40
L12 Proclus 26/ Oblique-impact rays 16.1N 46.8E 28
L13 Gassendi 52/ Floor-fractured crater 17.6S 40.1W 101
L14 Sinus Iridum 10/ Very large crater with missing rim 45.0N 32.0W 260
L15 Straight Wall 54/ Best example of a lunar fault 21.8S 7.8W 110
L16 Petavius 59/ Crater with domed and fractured floor 25.1S 60.4E 177
L17 Schröter's Valley 18/ Giant sinuous rille 26.2N 50.8W 168
L18 Mare Serenitatis dark edges 24/ Distinct mare areas with different compositions 17.8N 23.0E N/A
L19 Alpine Valley 4/ Lunar graben 49.0N 3.0E 165
L20 Posidonius 14/ Floor-fractured crater 31.8N 29.9E 95
L21 Fracastorius 58/ Crater with subsided and fractured floor 21.5S 33.2E 124
L22 Aristarchus Plateau 18/ Mysterious uplifted region mantled with pyroclastics 26.0N 51.0W 150
L23 Pico 11/ Isolated Imbrium basin-ring fragment 45.7N 8.9W 25
L24 Hyginus Rille 34/ Rille containing rimless collapse pits 7.4N 7.8E 220
L25 Messier & Messier A 48/ Oblique ricochet-impact pair 1.9S 47.6E 11
L26 Mare Frigoris 2-6/ Arcuate mare of uncertain origin 56.0N 1.4E 1600
L27 Archimedes 12, 22/ Large crater lacking central peak 29.7N 4.0W 83
L28 Hipparchus 44, 45/ First drawing of a single crater 5.5S 4.8E 150
L29 Ariadaeus Rille 34/ Long, linear graben 6.4N 14.0E 250
L30 Schiller 71/ Possible oblique impact 51.9S 39.0W 180
L31 Taruntius 37/ Young floor-fractured crater 5.6N 46.5E 56
L32 Arago Alpha & Beta 35/ Volcanic domes 6.2N 21.4E 26
L33 Serpentine Ridge 24/ Basin inner-ring segment 27.3N 25.3E 155
L34 Lacus Mortis 14/ Strange crater with rille and ridge 45.0N 27.2E 152
L35 Triesnecker Rilles 33/ Rille family 4.3N 4.6E 215
L36 Grimaldi basin 39/ A small two-ring basin 5.5S 68.3W 440
L37 Bailly 71/ Barely discernible basin 66.5S 69.1W 303
L38 Sabine and Ritter 35/ Possible twin impacts 1.7N 19.7E 30
L39 Schickard 62/ Crater floor with Orientale basin ejecta stripe 44.3S 55.3W 227
L40 Janssen Rille 67, 68/ Rare example of a highland rille 45.4S 39.3E 190
L41 Bessel ray 24/ Ray of uncertain origin near Bessel 21.8N 17.9E N/A
L42 Marius Hills 28, 29/ Complex of volcanic domes & hills 12.5N 54.0W 125
L43 Wargentin 70/ A crater filled to the rim with lava or ejecta 49.6S 60.2W 84
L44 Mersenius 51/ Domed floor cut by secondary craters 21.5S 49.2W 84
L45 Maurolycus 66/ Region of saturation cratering 42.0S 14.0E 114
L46 Regiomontanus central peak 55/ Possible volcanic peak 28.0S 0.6W 124
L47 Alphonsus dark spots 44/ Dark-halo eruptions on crater floor 13.7S 3.2W 119
L48 Cauchy region 36/ Fault, rilles and domes 10.5N 38.0E 130
L49 Gruithuisen Delta and Gamma 9/ Volcanic domes formed with viscous lavas 36.3N 40.0W 20
L50 Cayley Plains 34/ Light, smooth plains of uncertain origin 4.0N 15.1E 14
L51 Davy crater chain 43/ Result of comet-fragment impacts 11.1S 6.6W 50
L52 Crüger 50/ Possible volcanic caldera 16.7S 66.8W 45
L53 Lamont 35/ Possible buried basin 4.4N 23.7E 106
L54 Hippalus Rilles 52,53/ Rilles concentric to Humorum basin 24.5S 29.0W 240
L55 Baco 74/ Unusually smooth crater floor and surrounding plains 51.0S 19.1E 69
L56 Australe basin 76/ A partially flooded ancient basin 49.8S 84.5E 880
L57 Reiner Gamma 28/ Conspicuous swirl and magnetic anomaly 7.7N 59.2W 70
L58 Rheita Valley 68/ Basin secondary-crater chain 42.5S 51.5E 445
L59 Schiller-Zucchius basin 70,71/ Badly degraded overlooked basin 56.0S 45.0W 335
L60 Kies Pi 53/ Volcanic dome 26.9S 24.2W 45
L61 Mösting A 43/ Simple crater close to center of lunar near side 3.2S 5.2W 13
L62 Rümker 8/ Large volcanic dome 40.8N 58.1W 70
L63 Imbrium sculpture 34/ Basin ejecta near and overlying Boscovich and Julius Caesar 11.0N 12.0E
L64 Descartes 45/ Apollo 16 landing site; putative region of highland volcanism 11.7S 15.7E 48
L65 Hortensius domes 30/ Dome field north of Hortensius 7.6N 27.9W 10
L66 Hadley Rille 22/ Lava channel near Apollo 15 landing site 25.0N 3.0E
L67 Fra Mauro formation 42/ Apollo 14 landing site on Imbrium ejecta 3.6S 17.5W
L68 Flamsteed P 40/ Proposed young volcanic crater and Surveyor 1 landing site 3.0S 44.0W 112
L69 Copernicus secondary craters 20/ Rays and craterlets near Pytheas 19.6N 19.1W 4
L70 Humboldtianum basin 7/ Multi-ring impact basin 57.0N 80.0E 650
L71 Sulpicius Gallus dark mantle 23/ Ash eruptions northwest of crater 19.6N 11.6E 12
L72 Atlas dark-halo craters 15/ Explosive volcanic pits on the floor of Atlas 46.7N 44.4E 87
L73 Smythii basin 38,49/ Difficult-to-observe basin scarp and mare 2.0S 87.0E 740
L74 Copernicus H 31/ Dark-halo impact crater 6.9N 18.3W 5
L75 Ptolemaeus B 44/ Saucer-like depression on the floor of Ptolemaeus 8.0S 0.8W 16
L76 W. Bond 4/ Large crater degraded by Imbrium ejecta 65.3N 3.7E 158
L77 Sirsalis Rille 39,50/ Procellarum basin radial rilles 15.7S 61.7W 425
L78 Lambert R 20/ A buried "ghost" crater 23.8N 20.6W 54
L79 Sinus Aestuum 33/ Eastern dark-mantle volcanic deposit 12.0N 3.5W 90
L80 Orientale basin 50/ Youngest large impact basin 19.0S 95.0W 930
L81 Hesiodus A 54/ Concentric crater 30.1S 17.0W 15
L82 Linné 23/ Small crater once thought to have disappeared 27.7N 11.8E 2.4
L83 Plato craterlets 3,4/ Crater pits at limits of detection 51.6N 9.4W 101
L84 Pitatus 54/ Crater with concentric rilles 29.8S 13.5W 97
L85 Langrenus rays 49/ Aged ray system 8.9S 60.9E 132
L86 Prinz Rilles 19/ Rille system near the crater Prinz 27.0N 43.0W 46
L87 Humboldt 60/ Crater with central peaks and dark spots 27.0S 80.9E 207
L88 Peary 4,11/ Difficult-to-observe polar crater 88.6N 33.0E 74
L89 Valentine Dome 13/ Volcanic dome 30.5N 10.1E 30
L90 Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins 35/ Small craters near the Apollo 11 landing site 1.3N 23.7E 3
L91 De Gasparis Rilles 51/ Area with many rilles 25.9S 50.7W 30
L92 Gyldén Valley 44/ Part of the Imbrium radial sculpture 5.1S 0.7E 47
L93 Dionysius rays 35/ Unusual and rare dark rays 2.8N 17.3E 18
L94 Drygalski 72, VI/ Large south-pole region crater 79.3S 84.9W 162
L95 Procellarum basin - The Moon's biggest basin? 23.0N 15.0W 3200
L96 Leibnitz Mountains 73, V/ Rim of South Pole-Aitken basin 85.0S 30.0E
L97 Inghirami Valley 61/ Orientale basin ejecta 44.0S 73.0W 140
L98 Imbrium lava flows 10/ Mare lava-flow boundaries 32.8N 22.0W
L99 Ina 22/ D-shaped young volcanic caldera 18.6N 5.3E 3
L100 Mare Marginis swirls 27, III/ Possible magnetic field deposits 18.5N 88.0E