1 June 2012 2315 - 0030
Melbourne suburbia.
A beautiful clear night, but with a very bright waxing gibbous moon high in the sky adding to the general light pollution of the city. And cold, very cold - but not the coldest it will get later in Winter!
Checked out the moon first. Very bright - dazzling through the scope even using the cover with the hole exposed. Looked for the volcanic crater that I read about in the Sky and Telescope mag recently, but no joy.
Then moved to Saturn. Beautiful views of the plant and rings. One small point of light to the left of the planet possibly a moon.
Then to Alpha Centauri, very bright and was able to make out the binary system.
Beta Centauri was noticeably a much colder bluer colour.
Found some nice looking open clusters in Scorpio, and spotted an interest trio (plus one?) of very faint, but very red stars. Very pretty.
At first I thought it could be a galaxy, but looking a bit longer and better it seemed more like a cluster. Skyeye on the phone helped and I'm sure it was M75. A tight Globular Cluster some 65,700 LY away.
M75 (Image copied from Wikipedia)
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