Saturday, March 17, 2012

Dark Skies - Mk 1 Eyeball

14 March, 2012. 2230.
At Apollo Bay, Victoria.
Fantastic to see a proper dark sky again. Wasn't able to fit Dobby the scope into the car along with all the luggage, so had to just enjoy the.night sky (on the clear nights) with the Mk1 eyeball - standard issue. The first night we were still surrounded by some street and house lights, but it was still about a 2 on the dark sky index. Spotted Mars, Crux, Orion, a fantastic Milky Way, the large Magellanic Cloud, a few meteors (just short streaks), and a sky full of stars I hadn't seen in a long time. The next night we stopped out of town on a rise beside the road and enjoyed an even darker sky. Fortunately the Moon was not up at this time. Additionally spotted the small Magellanic Cloud, the Pleiades, and was generally overwhelmed by the majesty of it all. Soon to be added to the equipment list, a set of binoculars.

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